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cover story

Summit area of ​​Etna. Degassing activity at the North East Crater resumed during the monitoring activities of the INGV Osservatorio Etneo (August 21, 2019).



President's editorial

With the first issue of 2020 of the "INGVNewsletter" our Institute also celebrates the beginning of a new year: after the events open to citizens organized last 12 and 13 January on the occasion of the Seismic Literacy Day established with the Lazio Region, Also this year we will face the new scientific challenges, we will push ourselves towards new frontiers of research and we will organize new moments of meeting with the public to continue our story of the fascinating dynamics of the Earth.


guest of honor1Women in physics: interview with Professor Luisa Cifarelli

Every common experience and every phenomenon that we often observe inattentively hide secrets that in the light of the laws of physics suddenly become understandable and fascinating. Professor Luisa Cifarelli was unable to resist this fascination: engaged in the research of elementary particle physics, she began her career at Cern in Geneva and has held prestigious roles over the years such as the presidency of the Historical Museum of Physics Center and Study Center and Enrico Fermi and SIF research. We had the great pleasure of interviewing her to learn about her journey and her relationship with this fantastic discipline.

t seismograph

Newsletter nib

Face to face with the expert: the earthquakes of 2019

the forge of hephaestus

forge hephaestus

Focus on Italian volcanoes, word to the expert

t arctic

forge hephaestus

Leaves and lichens in search of fine dust



Enrico Marotta

Volcanologist, with a passion for travel and flights. She specializes in that of drones, she flies them over Italian volcanoes to give a different and innovative analysis tool to volcanological research and monitoring. She is told in her passions and in her choices with a Fil rouge always present "together to go far".



COURSE TITLE | Enrico Marotta

YEARS | under 50

FIELD OF ACTIVITY | volcanology

HEAD OFFICE | Section of Naples "Vesuvian Observatory"

MOTTO OF LIFE | "calm and cool"

FAVORITE COLOR | sea ​​blue


The Micropaleontology Laboratory of Pisa

The Micropaleontology Laboratory, a discipline that studies fossils ranging in size from a few microns to a few centimetres, is located at the new headquarters of the INGV Pisa Section. We met the head of the Lab, the INGV researcher Antonio Cascella, to find out more about its functioning and the activities that take place within it.

a tool in 100 words

tool 100 words

The optical microscope with polarized light


Once upon a time in Rome. How past earthquakes have redesigned the city

Not only the skilled hands of master architects, who over the centuries have shaped the present-day magnificence of the city of Rome in marble and tuff. The Urbe, in its more remote past, was also designed by another unattainable artist, nature in its most violent and irrepressible form. Indeed, in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, over a long period between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries AD, the city was hit by some seismic events which contributed to significantly modifying its profile, leaving traces that can be found still today, reconstructing, piece by piece, a natural history that inevitably merged with the archaeological one and with the innumerable vicissitudes of the men and women who inhabited the seven hills before us.


In the month of january

it happened today


forge hephaestus

A vision of Project Management in Research

Geologist, Project Manager and great climbing enthusiast, Sofia Mariano is the Head of the Research and Development Project Services Center of INGV. An expert in European and national projects, we interviewed her to find out more about her journey and the strategic importance of this sector.



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past appointments

we were there

 TG Geosciences

tggeosciences 30th October 2019

Geosciences News TGweb of 27/12/2019

tggeosciences 13 November 2019

Geosciences News TGweb of 09/01/2020

tggeosciences-27th November 2019

Geosciences News TGweb of 22/01/2020

INGVNewsletter is a publication of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
January 2020 | Number 1 | fourteenth year
Responsible Director: Valeria De Paola
Reg. Court of Rome n. 80/2006 of 01/03/2006

INGV National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
Legal representative: Carlo Doglioni
Headquarters: Via di Vigna Murata, 605 | Rome

Editorial Board: Press Office and Urp
Graphic design by the INGV Graphic and Image Laboratory - Web Design by Simone Vecchi

Contributors to this issue: Marco Cirilli, Francesca Pezzella, Sara Stopponi

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