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This page shows a list of the main databases managed by INGV.
Alternatively, a complete and detailed list of published data is also available and can be consulted at


Instrumental seismology

National geographical coverage

International geographical coverage

Regional geographical coverage

Historical seismology and macroseismology

National geographical coverage

In This Page it is possible to consult a diagram that explains the differences and the relationships between the historical seismology databases of major national importance.

International geographical coverage

Regional geographical coverage

Seismogenic sources

National geographical coverage

International geographical coverage

Seismic hazard

National geographical coverage


National geographical coverage

Co-seismic geological effects

Collection of different Archives of Coseismic Surface Geological Effects associated to earthquakes In Italy.
Each of the archives reports georeferenced data as type, geometry, kinematics, and other characteristics of the geological effects surveyed.

Databases and volcanological images



National geographical coverage

International geographical coverage

Environmental data

Data from spatial information

Altitude data

Territorial information systems


Historical collections

For more information: Data Management Office