This page shows a list of the main databases managed by INGV.
Alternatively, a complete and detailed list of published data is also available and can be consulted at
Instrumental seismology
National geographical coverage
Parametric and instrumental database of Italian seismicity | ISIDeCatalog of absolute localizations from 1981 to 2018 | CLASSItalian Seismic Bulletin from 2015 to today | BSI since 2015Waveforms of seismic networks | EIDA Italy- Dataset of the INGV Mobile Seismic Network from 2001 to today
Catalog of focal mechanisms of Mediterranean earthquakes | RCMT extensionShake maps | ShakemapsTime Domain Moment Tensors | TDM extensionFast regional tensor moments | QuickRCMTHistorical bulletins and seismograms | SISMOItalian ACcelerometric Archive | ITHACAINGV accelerometric data | ISMD extensionDatabase for site characterization of permanent seismic stations | CRISP
International geographical coverage
Regional geographical coverage
A parametric catalog of central-eastern Italy from 2002 to 2008 | CICO1dThe catalog of focal mechanisms of earthquakes in central-eastern Italy since 2009 | BBDatabase of the Central Eastern Italy Seismometric Network | ReSIICSeismicity of the Etna area Catalog of the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes of Sicily and southern Calabria since 1999 Seismic catalog of Vesuvius since 1972 Seismicity of the volcanoes of Campania
Historical seismology and macroseismology
National geographical coverage
In This Page it is possible to consult a diagram that explains the differences and the relationships between the historical seismology databases of major national importance.
Parametric catalog of Italian earthquakes from 1000 to 2020 | CPTI extensionItalian macroseismic database from 1000 to 2020 | DBMIItalian Macroseismic Historical Archive | ASMICatalog of Severe Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and in the Mediterranean area (760 BC-1500) | CFTIMedAtlas of visual sources of Italian earthquakes | CFTIvisualItalian database of historical earthquake-induced landslides | CFTIlandslidesMacroseismic Photographic Database | DFMDatabase of macroseismic intensities derived from online questionnaires from 2007 to present | you felt the earthquake
International geographical coverage
European Archive of Historical EArthquakes from 1000 to 1899 | AHEADEuropean PreInstrumental earthquake CAtalogue from 1000 to 1899 | EPICACatalog of Severe Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and in the Mediterranean area (760 BC-1500) | CFTI5MedWorld catalog of earthquake-induced rotations of objects | ErosGlobal Historical Earthquake Archive from 1000 to 1903 | GHEA
Regional geographical coverage
Macroseismic catalog of Etna earthquakes from 1832 to 2013 | Macro EtnaMacroseismic Archive of the effects of earthquakes in the Marche region | AMeriGo
Seismogenic sources
National geographical coverage
International geographical coverage
Database of European seismogenic faults | EDSF extension
Seismic hazard
National geographical coverage
Online data on seismic hazard in Italy | INGS-DPC S1Seismic hazard values of the Italian territory | Seismic Zones
National geographical coverage
Wide angle crustal seismic exploration data on the Italian territory from 1956 to 1982 | ReWARDPresent-day stress field | THEMSELVES
Co-seismic geological effects
Collection of different Archives of Coseismic Surface Geological Effects associated to earthquakes In Italy.
Each of the archives reports georeferenced data as type, geometry, kinematics, and other characteristics of the geological effects surveyed.
Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, MW 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy | Coseismic Geological Effects DBSurface faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island after the 21 August 2017 Md 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake, southern Italy | Coseismic Geological Effects DBCoseismic surface geological effects following the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 earthquake, Central Italy |Coseismic Geological Effects DBSurface ruptures associated with the Mw 6.1 L'Aquila earthquake sequence of April 2009, Central Italy | Coseismic Geological Effects DBINGV - ISPRA joint Surface Faulting Database - Mw 6.1, 2009, April 6th L'Aquila earthquake, Central Italy l Coseismic Geological Effects DBThe M6.9, 1980 Irpinia earthquake (southernItaly): joint surface ruptures dataset, southern Italy | Coseismic Geological Effects DB
Databases and volcanological images
Vesuvius Observatory databases Eruptions of Etna, since 2001 Numerical simulation of volcanic processes | VMSgGaetano Ponte Fund
National geographical coverage
- Italian Tsunami Effects Database | ITED -
English version Italian version
International geographical coverage
- Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Database | EMTC extension -
English version Italian version NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 | NEAMTHM18
Environmental data
Data from spatial information
Altitude data
Digital Elevation Model of Italy | TINITALY
Territorial information systems
Geodata servers | openmapSeismotectonic Information System of the Campania region | SIS Cam 2.0Earthquake story map gallery | Story maps & earthquakesGeoportal of the Etneo-INGV Observatory of Catania
Historical collections
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