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The INGV library system consists of 7 libraries: Rome, Bologna, Porto Venere (SP), Milan, Naples, Catania and Palermo inserted in the sections of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. The structures guarantee advanced services to support research in the geophysical and volcanological fields.

The most significant activities promoted by the INGV libraries concern: a digital library which makes approximately 500 electronic journals available to accredited users and an open access international archive for geosciences (7300 full text documents currently available). 

The central library of Rome and those of the other sections

Nautilus Children's Scientific Library


The Nautilus children's science library: 
- favors the promotion of study and reading in the field of earth sciences;
- allows the enhancement of scientific book production for children to facilitate dialogue between the world of research and school;
- promotes new paths of knowledge in the scientific field allowing the development of creativity of children in these sectors;
- stimulates new bibliographic initiatives in research sectors of great cultural interest.

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Annals of Geophysics

The international journal of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology can be consulted at the activated address (articles in PDF format available from 1980- )

Earth-prints repository

International open archive dedicated to Geosciences: facilitates dialogue between researchers of different nationalities, increases the impact and visibility of documents and research results in these fields.

Journal Citation Reports (authorized users only)

Database for carrying out research on the impact value of national and international scientific journals

Web of Science (authorized users only)

Database for bibliographic searches of scientific articles with number of citations and cross reference system