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Today the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv) has hired for an indefinite period, through scrolling of valid rankings, 52 people including researchers and technologists to deal with urgent interventions related to civil protection activities, such as seismic surveillance , volcanic and maintenance of instrumental monitoring networks throughout the country. The recruitment plan also envisages the hiring of a further 148 units of research, technologist and research support personnel, in annual installments of 40 units, through the announcement of public and reserved competitions. ''It's an important step for Ingv”, affirms the President of the Institute, Stefano Gresta, “after years of precariousness, finally 52 precarious workers are hired on permanent contracts. This demonstrates that the Government wants to invest in the research system and in the professionalism of our human capital, recognizing the fundamental work carried out by our Organization in recent years on issues of significant importance for the country. We are only at the beginning. Completing this hiring plan is a top priority for the Institute."

Rome, January 16, 2015