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36th Course of the International School of Geophysics

Volcano Observatory Best Practices Workshop: Eruption Forecasting

The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are pleased to announce the Volcano Observatory Best Practices Workshop, to be held September 11 - 15, 2011 in Erice, Italy (, under the aegis of IAVCEI, WOVO, and GEO. The objective is to develop synergy among national volcano hazards programs and their observatories globally, so as to more rapidly and broadly advance the field. The theme of this workshop, which may become the first in a series of best practices meeting, is short-term eruption forecasting. Experiences of what works and what does not will be shared and discussed. The workshop will feature a few invited talks by selected speakers. Other contributions are intended as poster presentations. Participants will begin the development of a guide to best practices in forecasting, which will subsequently be published. Applications in the form of a statement of interest are due April 1. Acceptance is constrained by size and the need for global representation, but all who apply can provide input for the best practices document. Graduate students with a strong interest in volcano risk mitigation are especially encouraged to apply.

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Etna flank eruption 2002. Photo Marco Fulle -