VENICE and MoSE | Analyzed the extreme events in the Venice lagoon and their mitigation with the MoSE
SAVEMEDCOASTS-2 appointment in Venice
What the sea hides. Investigations on the submerged flanks of volcanoes
MEDITERRANEAN | The case of Venice and the population's awareness of rising sea levels and extreme events
MEDITERRANEAN | Estimates of sea level rise on the coasts by the end of the century are rising
Marine Hazards | In Torretta Granitola the intermediate workshop of the project
SEA | Marco Anzidei awarded with the Golden Trident for underwater scientific activities
MARINE POLLUTION | SeaCleaner, the CNR-INGV Citizen Science project, awarded
INGV. A new submarine monitoring system is operational in Panarea
INGV, ENEA and GNV together to monitor the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea
INGV IN THE TERRITORY | The Institute opens the new headquarters in Lerici
INGV | Minister Sen. Nello Musumeci visits the Institute
WORLD OCEAN DAY | INGV celebrates WOD 2024 in Palermo, Rome and Lerici
WORLD OCEANS DAY | Teacher training on marine sciences begins
TECHNOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS | A SMART cable has been installed to observe the Earth from the depths of the Ionian Sea
EMSO Italy. Appointment in Naples for a 4D view of the ocean
CLIMATE CHANGE | Here is the link between extreme climatic events and high water in Venice
Bioblitz, fantastic animals and where to find them: appointment in La Spezia
ENVIRONMENT | Mediterranean Temperature, Over 1° C More in the Last 25 Years