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The “Earth Telescope” project, promoted and financed by INGV and aimed at the international scientific community, has started to study the Earth with new impetus, pointing a 'telescope' towards its nucleus, to discover the deepest secrets (and resources) that our home still hides

THENational Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) has launched the call document to invite scientists from around the world to participate in the Earth Telescope Research Program (INGV-ET), an interdisciplinary project aimed at answering fundamental questions about how our planet works to improve our ability to scrutinize Our world, from the Earth's interior to the ionosphere.
With Earth Telescope, INGV launches the challenge to fully understand the dynamics of the planet, with particular attention paid to the role played by theasthenosphere, the outermost layer of the Earth's mantle, in controlling the plate dynamics and magma generation. Although the asthenosphere significantly influences crustal processes, the extent of its impact on the hydrosphere and atmosphere is still poorly understood.
The INGV-ET Programme therefore aims to deepen the knowledge of these fundamental aspects by studying geological processes and phenomena on various space-time scales and developing advanced techniques to improve monitoring capabilities of the Earth.
With the launch of the call document i researchers, national and international, are called upon to propose, design and plan the technologies and methodologies of tomorrow, enabling a leap in quality that, given the current state of knowledge, is now indispensable.
The scientific proposals are divided into three lines of research.
SAKURA (Studying the Asthenosphere as a Key to Understand the Dynamics of Plates and the Origin of Magmas), aimed at studying the role of the asthenosphere in plate tectonics and magma generation, using cutting-edge observational and analytical techniques;
THESIS (Study of Geospheres Interactions in the Earth System), focused on the understanding the interactions between Earth's internal processes and surface dynamics using seismological and geophysical analyses, modelling and laboratory experiments to shed light on the complexity of these interactions;
DEMETRA (Investigating the Interplay Between Volcanic Activity and Climate Change), aimed at clarifying the relationship between volcanic activity and climate change examining how volcanic emissions affect climate systems and contribute to global warming or cooling.
La call document It is open to scientists in Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Seismology, Volcanology, Geology, Geochemistry, Geodesy, Remote Sensing, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Click here for more information on the methods and deadlines for submitting expressions of interest.