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INGV has gained worldwide recognized expertise in historical seismology and macroseismology research and in the creation and management of the related online databases, all publicly accessible. These skills are rooted in the long Italian tradition of studies in this sector.

The diagram below explains the main differences between the databases and the relationships between them.

Il CFTI extension contains the results of research aimed at reconstructing the impact of large historical earthquakes that caused damage; these results and the historical sources on which they are based are presented in a detailed and harmonized way through a single database.
The archive ASMI collects data from the CFTI and other databases and integrates them with hundreds of other seismological studies on earthquakes - even minor ones - that have produced effects in Italy; in this way the user can compare alternative and independent studies on the same earthquake, if available. Note that the availability of independent studies – and therefore of different descriptive frameworks for the same event – ​​is always a value, never a limitation.
For each earthquake starting from magnitude 4.0, the most complete study among those archived in ASMI is chosen. The estimates of the macroseismic intensity deduced from this study for each locality converge in the DBMI. Finally, the intensity data available for each earthquake are processed to obtain the energy and epicentral parameters. These parameters, together with the instrumental ones of the more recent earthquakes, are then collected in the CPTI extension.
screenshot cfti
Time coverage: 461 BC - 1997
Number of earthquakes: 1.167
CFTI is the world's first and still only “historical seismicity analytical catalogue”. It welcomes the results of four decades of original research, in particular on strong earthquakes, with a methodological approach that guarantees the transparency of the results and the objectivity of their seismological interpretation.
For each earthquake, it presents descriptive summaries of the effects in each affected locality and of the overall social and economic impact; these summaries are based on many thousands of original sources, over half of which are user-accessible online.
It allows to compare the parameters and the territorial effects of each earthquake with the distribution of the seismogenic sources of the DISS database and with the instrumental seismicity from 1985 to today.

asmi screenshot
Time coverage: 461 BC - 2021
Number of earthquakes: 6.566
ASMI archives and makes accessible information from seismological studies on historical and recent earthquakes affecting Italy. For each earthquake, parameters, intensity data and information of different origins can be consulted, which provide an overview of the variety of information available.
In addition to considering the INGV databases (CFTI, CMTE extension, Amerigo) and neighboring nations, hundreds of scientific publications and post-earthquake surveys of the operational group are also collected QUEST of INGV.
ASMI can be consulted by earthquake and by study, and the data can be downloaded in various formats also via web services.
ASMI is the Italian node of the analogous European archive AHEAD (Archive of Historical Earthquake Data).

Time coverage: 1000 - 2020
Number of earthquakes: 4.894
CPTI is the most extensive source of epicentral locations and magnitudes for earthquakes of magnitude ≥4.0 or maximum intensity ≥5 that occurred between 1000 and 2020 in the Italian area.
The parameters, always updated and verified, are obtained by homogenizing those of macroseismic origin, obtained from the intensity data contained in DBMI with the instrumental ones, derived from the most up-to-date national and international databases.
For each earthquake that has both macroseismic and instrumental parameters, the location proposed by CPTI is chosen according to the time of occurrence of the earthquake, while the magnitude is obtained from the weighted average of the two estimates, macroseismic and instrumental.