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Geomagnetic observations

In this portal, data relating to the recordings of variations in the earth's magnetic field in real time from geomagnetic observatories in Italy are available for viewing and downloading: Castello Tesino (TN), located in northern Italy with geographical coordinates 46°03 'N, 11°39'E; Duronia (CB), in central Italy (41°N 39'E, 14°28'E) and Lampedusa (AG), the southernmost observatory in Europe (35° 31'N, 12° 32'E) . The portal also contains data from the geomagnetic observatories installed in Antarctica: Mario Zucchelli Station (74°42'S 164°6'E) and Dome C (75° 6'S, 123°21'E). The distributed data has a sampling frequency of one minute for the Cartesian vectorial components of the X, Y and Z fields and the scalar component of the module F. It is also possible to have the data with a sampling frequency of 1 s upon request.



Ionospheric observations

Real-time data from ionosondes located in Rome, Gibilmanna (PA) and Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) and ionospheric scintillations, observed and recorded from some national and international sites and from polar areas.


Space weather products

Real-time products describing the conditions of the circumterrestrial space. In particular, the page contains maps and graphs showing the total ionospheric electronic content over Italy, Europe and the world, also in relation to the average conditions of the previous 27 days. Furthermore, the images of the solar disk acquired by the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory at different wavelengths, the global geomagnetic index Kp (provided by the University of Kyoto) and the local geomagnetic indices calculated with the data acquired by the Duronia observatories are reported. (CB), in central Italy (41°N 39'E, 14°28'E) and Lampedusa (AG), the southernmost observatory in Europe (35° 31'N, 12° 32'E)



Marine observations

Data from deep multiparameter observatories is collected and is available through the portal MOIST(Multidisciplinary Oceanic Information System, developed within the ESONET NoE project and currently under development within ESFRI (European Research distributed Infrastructure) and EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory). From the portal it is possible to view and download both multidisciplinary data acquired related to already concluded campaigns and data coming from EMSO's Western Ionian wired node ensuring the data flow from acquisition to dissemination.To ensure this working environment, particular attention is paid to all aspects of standardization in terms of file formats, metadata, interoperability, transport protocols and controlled vocabularies for keywords and parameters.

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Seismic, geodetic and environmental data from the multiparameter observatory MEDUSA