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Futuro Remoto, XXXV edition: INGV is there with numerous events

  23 November 2021 00:00 - 3 December 2021 00:00

Naples Italy

From 23 November to 3 December, scientific and technological culture is at home at "Futuro Remoto", the European event which in 2021 will reach its XXXV edition.

Face-to-face events, from 23 to 28 November, at Città della Scienza in Naples and, many others, online for the entire duration of the event.

"Futuro Remoto" this year is dedicated to Transitions, to stimulate curiosity, to develop knowledge, to encourage dialogue, comparison and sharing of knowledge between researchers and the public on science and technological innovation.

The appointments of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) on the agenda are:

Wednesday, November 24 | from 09:45
Women & Science Marie Tharp.
The discovery of the Rift Valleys and the theory of plate tectonics
》Cultural Transition
Online event
Recipients: Secondary School, Specialists.

An activity designed to retrace the birth and development of theories on the interior of the Earth up to the formulation of the theory of Plate Tectonics in a story that aims to bring out the contribution of female scientists and their experience in a world dominated by men. In particular, we focus on the role of Marie Tharp in mapping the ocean floor. A laboratory part is foreseen to discover the mountain chains, the deep trenches, the seamounts and the vast plains present on the bottom of the oceans.
Curated by
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)
Idis Foundation - City of Science


Wednesday, November 24 | from 16:00
Iceland, Mexico, Italy. Sara, Lucia, Francesca: volcanic scientists
》Ecological Transition
Online event
Recipients: Everyone

A scientific café featuring three Italian scientists: Sara Barsotti, Coordinator for volcanic risks at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, Lucia Capra, Director of the Centro de Geociencias of UNAM, Francesca Bianco, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology - Vesuvius Observatory. Each coordinates and manages research institutes that deal with the study and surveillance of active volcanoes in three particularly relevant countries from this point of view: Iceland, Mexico, Campania in Italy. Their comparison and their testimony, in addition to intriguing the participants about the peculiarities of the volcanoes of the three areas investigated, is intended as an invitation, aimed above all at young women, to undertake scientific careers and in particular the exciting one of the study of active volcanoes. The event is part of the Futuro Remoto International section.
Curated by
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory


Thursday, November 25 | from 10:15
Live Earth Challenge
》Ecological Transition
Online event
Recipients: Everyone, Secondary School.

The activity proposes a quiz challenge through a game-based learning tool (Kahoot) to transmit geo-scientific contents in a useful and stimulating way. The quizzes focus on the risks and resources of the Campania region: earthquakes and volcanoes, terrestrial heat and stone materials. The aim is to sensitize the new generations above all to the knowledge of the territory and of the disciplines that study its evolution, giving particular emphasis to the awareness of geological dangers, and to the use of the resources of the Earth system, according to an ecological perspective.
Curated by
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory

Thursday, November 25 | from 11:45
Finding Gaia
》Energy Transition
Online event
Recipients: First and Second Grade Secondary School.

A virtual treasure hunt dedicated to climate change where innovative techniques (Serious Games) are used with the main purpose of involving the participants, encouraging them to learn the basic concepts of geophysics and climatology through play. The main focus of the hunt is climate change and mitigation and adaptation strategies with the aim of raising awareness of the energy transition but also bringing new generations closer to science and in particular to geophysics. The virtual and inclusive approach also allows people with motor disabilities to participate.
Curated by
Department of Physics "ER Caianiello" of the University of Salerno
The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory participates


Friday, November 26 | from 9:00
The Rocks Come Home: Explorers Wanted for a Round-the-World Adventure
》Urban Transition
Event in attendance
Recipients: First and Second Grade Secondary School.

Experiential laboratory that involves participants in a journey around the world to bring the rocks scattered on the planet "home". The aim is to have the main volcanic rocks recognized and to orient oneself in the geographical space to bring them back to the volcanic areas from which they come. During the activity, the volcanic complexes around which an urban fabric also develops are mainly taken into consideration, to present to the participants the transition between these two environments (natural and anthropic). Through storytelling focused on discovery and adventure and enriched by riddles and nursery rhymes, we try to show the specificity of each environment and to teach the key concepts for a lasting ecological balance.
Curated by
Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences, University of Naples "Federico II"
Participates National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory


Friday, November 26 | from 11:45
Virtual excursion to Cerreto Sannita, epicenter of the earthquake of 5 June 1688
》Ecological Transition
Online event
Recipients: Secondary School, Specialists

GeoLogica is an initiative that underlines the need to change the way of reasoning and arguing the issues of daily life in a full and respectful integration into the geological environment. In this context, a virtual visit is conducted to the city of Cerreto Sannita (BN), macroseismic epicenter of the Sannio earthquake that occurred on 5 June 1688. Participants are accompanied on a physical journey that crosses the current reconstructed town of Cerreto Sannita following the destruction caused by the earthquake. In parallel, the guide, through the narration of historical sources, also leads the participants through a temporal journey. Geological and urban planning considerations allow for the opportunity to develop a correct use of the territory, in compliance with the rules of Nature. Along the way, useful clues are sown for conducting a treasure hunt via a dedicated platform.
Curated by
Department of Science and Technology, University of Sannio
Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences, University of Naples "Federico II"
The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory participates


Saturday, November 27 | from 11:45
Women & Science, Inge Lehmann
"You should know that my name is I. Lehmann". A mathematician dedicated to geophysics
》Cultural Transition
Online event
Recipients: Everyone

Presentation of the life of Inge Lehmann and her scientific discoveries, highlighting her independence of thought, the ability to make room for herself in a world where the protagonists were exclusively men and, above all, the value of a varied and principles of equality. Inge Lehmann is a paradigmatic female scientific figure. By training free from dogmas and gender conditioning, with a solid mathematical foundation she carries out many jobs, arriving as a seismologist to formulate the hypothesis of the existence of the inner core of the Earth, providing experimental evidence. She is paradigmatic because she represents the freedom of scientific thought and the value conferred by a rich and varied human and professional experience. During the activity, children will be invited to participate in a trivia game about earthquakes.
Curated by
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)
Idis Foundation - City of Science


Friday, December 3 | from 9:45
Virtual excursion on the Camaldoli Hill
》Digital Transition
Online event
Recipients: First and Second Grade Secondary School.

The activity offers a virtual excursion along the Camaldoli Hill in Naples, along a path that leads from the plain to the Hermitage to allow participants to get to know a part of the geology of the Campi Flegrei that is difficult to explore, the one represented by the oldest deposits of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff. In particular, the virtual itinerary includes a large part dedicated to the Piperno quarries located in Pianura, a very important part of the geological heritage of the city as it is the site of extraction of a lithotype widely used in Neapolitan architecture. The virtual excursion consists of a series of illustrated stops at which interactive activities will be promoted which allow participants to get in touch with the geology of the city and arouse the interest of the younger generations in the area in which they live. The most innovative part of the proposal lies in making an area accessible to a wide public which, in fact, is not physically accessible. The path on which the stop signs will be positioned, in fact, is not normally passable because it is not equipped and the ancient quarries of Piperno have been closed to the public since the extraction of Piperno ceased after the Second World War. The activity is aimed at highlighting the role of the geological heritage as a resource and necessary background for the existence of living beings and, in particular, for all human activities. It is aimed at high school students, but also involves teachers and enthusiasts who have a naturalistic interest.
Curated by
Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences, University of Naples "Federico II"
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) - Vesuvius Observatory

From November 23 to November 28 | from 9:00 to 17:00
The colors of prosperity: fruits of the old and new world
Recipients: Everyone

INGV will also be present at the Accademia dei Lincei - Villa Farnesina stand, with the setting up of graphic materials and demonstration workshops on geophysical methods of analysis and protection of cultural heritage, in synergy with Palazzo Altemps, École Française de Rome, Parco Archeology of the Colosseum.
In particular, two dissemination laboratories will be created, dedicated to the spectroradiometric measurements of pigment samples and to the magnetic properties of leaves and lichens to detect particulate matter from atmospheric pollution.
Curated by
Accademia dei Lincei
Villa Farnesina
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)
National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
"Federico II" University of Naples
University of Naples "Suor Orsola Benincasa"
Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences_CNR-ISPC

For info and reservations: https://www.futuroremoto.eu/


Via Coroglio, 57 / 104
80124 Naples NA, Italy


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Other dates

  • Da 23 November 2021 00:00 a 3 December 2021 00:00