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In memory of Hadrian

Adriano Azzarone, an expert programmer and web developer of our institute, left us prematurely. Adriano started his career at INGV in the early 2000s at the Rome 2 section where his contribution focused on the procedures for producing and representing the ionospheric forecasts produced and distributed by the institute. In 2016, after the transfer to the National Earthquake Observatory, he began to contribute to the web products of the INGV operations room in Rome and in particular to the creation of the web interface of the ARISTOTLE projects (2016-2023). For the latter, Adriano has provided an essential contribution in the development of the platform called SPADA (Scientific Products Archiving and Document Assembly) which allows and facilitates the creation of bulletins and multi-hazard reports that the institute, in collaboration with 23 European institutions, provides for the European Response Coordination Center of DG-ECHO of the European Community. In practice, Adriano has created a virtual place in which to collaborate and systematize preliminary scientific information on the exposure and impact of natural events subject to multi-hazard monitoring. This platform will be his legacy, recognized by the entire ARISTOTLElic international community which in these hours is gathering around him, his family and INGV colleagues.

Adriano was a very acute, sensitive and determined person who missed nothing in the creation of the requested products. On the sidelines and due to his instinctive eclecticism, he recognized the importance of reusing the now obsolete and abandoned hardware material in warehouses, creating something new and different from what it was born for. In this he was a forerunner.

Extremely polite, Adriano had always been ready to provide help in solving various problems that could arise during the provision of both national and European surveillance service. It could happen to run into him in the corridors, often hurried and running but always with a smile and ready for a joke. Someone who could be trusted.

We will miss his Livornese accent so delicate and kind, like his soul and he leaves a void that is difficult to fill. We all share our grief with her family.  Giovanna Forlenza and Alberto Michelini 


On this page the memories and testimonials of colleagues 
