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A first analysis on the usefulness (and the challenge) of AI chatbots in scientific research

It is undeniable that artificial intelligence (AI) creates many opportunities and challenges for scientists. The development of Chat GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) by OpenAI undeniably has distorted the vision and use of technology prêt-à-porter through a powerful linguistic model capable of generating texts that resemble human responses. 

Like any technological advance, opinions on the risks and benefits of ChatGPT differ among scientists. 

In the article "ChatGPT: A Threat or an Opportunity for Scientists?” recently published in 'Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists' of the American Geophysical Union, Fabio Florindo, researcher of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), explored the implications of AI and, in particular, ChatGPT, analyzing its potential as a threat and an opportunity for scientists. 

By examining the risks associated with disinformation, the ethical considerations and the impact on traditional research processes, Florindo locates some best practices for use by scientists:

a) validate and verify the contents generated by AI chatbots (software capable of simulating human-type conversations). Noting that the chatbot provides valuable information, it is important to cross-reference the information with consolidated scientific knowledge and conduct a thorough check.

b) Chatbots must be a support tool. Automate some tasks even to acquire new perspectives. However, they can never replace human skills and the unique capabilities of critical thinking, creativity and the human mind in general, essential for formulating research questions, designing experiments and interpreting the results.

c) Transparent reporting of AI use. Scientists must declare the involvement of AI in their research, data analysis, hypothesis generation. Only in this way is it possible to promote responsibility and a better understanding of the limits and potential biases associated with the results generated.

d) Scientist-AI collaboration to combine the strengths of human expertise with the undoubted capabilities of AI to advance scientific knowledge. Thus, new paths of scientific research could be explored, models discovered and innovative ideas generated.

In conclusion, while AI chatbots introduce ethical challenges and considerations, they have immense potential to revolutionize scientific inquiry and drive innovation. By responsibly synergizing and collaborating with human researchers, scientists can harness their power to advance research and propel scientific progress into the future.

Link to the studyChatGPT: A Threat or an Opportunity for Scientists?

Quote: Florindo, F. (2023). ChatGPT: A threat or an opportunity for scientists? Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists, 4, e2023CN000212. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023CN000212


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 Illustration shows the power of artificial intelligence, which holds immense potential to revolutionize scientific inquiry and drive innovation. Credit: Pixabay.