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From the 21 to 27 2022 November the appointment is with the XVII edition of Rome Science Festival at the Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone".
EXPLORE, the theme of this edition, will take us from the physical and mental explorations of the reality that surrounds us to the researches that have led to great scientific discoveries and have transformed the way we look at the world.
But to explore it is not enough just to study: it is also necessary to know how to listen, recognize one's mistakes, question what one takes for granted, criticize one's own ideas. Only in this way can explorers be exposed to new scenarios and find new solutions to problems.
Over 100 events, over 120 guests from India to the United States, England to Botswana.

With the INGV appointments we will talk about space weather and its importance to modern society and theexploration of the seabed and the abyss through increasingly sophisticated submarine technologies that allow you to study the great depths and monitor the health of the seas.

Scientific research in the exploration of the seabed
November 26, 2022 | 15 pm | Guest room
-> Francesca Alvisi, CNR
-> Nadia Lo Bue, INGV
-> Sante Francesca Rende, ISPRA
-> Piera Sapienza, INFN
Moderator Fabio Gallo, RAI Blue Line

The seabed has always fascinated humanity, perhaps because until a few decades ago what was beyond fifty meters deep was shrouded in mystery. Today, thanks to ever new underwater technologies, it is possible to observe and study the great depths, returning data, cartography and images capable of monitoring the health of the seas and ecosystems. Not only that: in the abyss it is also possible to study neutrinos, elusive particles that arrive from space and carry information about the universe with them.

→ Francesca Alvisi Researcher at the CNR since 2004 at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Bologna, she is currently interested in the study of marine depositional phenomena at the water-sediment interface, biogeochemical flows, current and recent marine sedimentary processes, in particular related to anoxic phenomena, and the their interaction with humans and climate. You are also interested in the relationships between land use, geo (morph)ology and landscape evolution with particular attention to the interaction of population vs. resources and the theme of migrations in historical and current times.
→ Nadia Lo Bue Researcher at INGV in Rome since 2003, she deals with physical oceanography with a focus on understanding deep oceanic processes. You carry out this research also thanks to the analysis of long time series collected by deep multidisciplinary systems, such as the observatories of the European Research Infrastructure EMSO and you are responsible for the oceanographic data acquired by one of the nodes of the infrastructure: the Western Ionian Sea.
→ Saint Frances Rende Responsible at ISPRA of the Section for technological development and support to monitoring and research applied to the marine environment, his research activity is mainly aimed at the development of innovative methodologies for monitoring the marine environment, for mapping habitats and species through the application of marine robotics, underwater photogrammetry, marine remote sensing and through data processing with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.
→ Piera Sapienza Research manager at INFN Southern National Laboratories, he has had leadership roles in experiments for the study of nuclear reactions with heavy ions. She was one of the proponents of the KM3NeT experiment, a telescope for the detection of high-energy neutrinos in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. Since 2017 she represents the LNS in the international board of the DUNE project at Fermilab in the USA. She is responsible for the integration of the KM3NeT detector units into the LNS and represents Italy in the negotiation of the KM3NeT ERIC.
→ Fabio Gallo One of the faces of the RaiUno area, he has been conducting LineaBlu for years, always in search of stories and curiosities that make Mare Nostrum unique. This year also traveling with LineaVerde Link and from June to September every weekend live with Weekly, the RaiUno magazine of Italy on vacation.

Space weather and its importance to modern society
by ASI and INGV
November 27, 2022 | 15 pm | Studio Borgna Theatre
-> Barbara Negri, ASI
-> Luca Spogli, INGV
Moderator Luca Nardi, Science communicator

Space Weather, the study of the interaction between the Sun, interplanetary space and the bodies of the Solar System, involves many aspects of life and technologies on Earth and in space. From the protections for the ISS astronauts to the safeguarding of satellites and electricity networks, from the effects on telecommunications and satellite navigation to hypothetical countermeasures for future lunar and Martian colonies, the Sun enters our lives, with its breath and its “ sneezes”, in areas involving the most disparate players in society.

→ Barbara Negri Chief Technologist of the Italian Space Agency, he is responsible for the Human Flight and Scientific Experimentation Unit of ASI. He has carried out activities for the construction of Satellites and Scientific Payloads, Technologies, Ground Stations and the launch of stratospheric balloons. Program Manager for important national and international Science and Technology programs, he is responsible for the Italian Delegation to the ESA Science Program Board and is ASI's "focal point" for collaboration with NASA in scientific missions.
→ Luca Spogli Researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Environment department, he has a PhD in Physics and expert researcher of Space Weather and its effects on the earth's ionosphere and on global satellite positioning systems. He is founder and general secretary of the European Association of Space Weather and Space Climate (E-SWAN) and Space Weather adviser to the Italian member of the Meteorology Panel of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
→ Luke Nardi Popular astrophysicist with a passion for planetary sciences, he deals with the creation of web and editorial contents in the field of astronomy. He can be found on all social networks, but especially on YouTube, where he talks about planetary sciences and conducts interviews with industry experts. Off the web, he collaborates with the Rome Planetarium and is one of the organizers of Galactic Park.

Link to the Festival Programme
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