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February 11 news text

Also this year the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science established by the UN and born to recognize the fundamental role that women and girls play in science and technology.
To promote the Day, the INGV events - all online - are:

14 researchers of the Institute tell their story as women scientists and the activities in which they are engaged.
Other stories by INGV scientists are contained in the event of Center of Excellence in Solid Earth (ChEESE) for 11 February.

Gaia, a young geologist, tells us about her passion for science and tells us about the life and discoveries of some women who have made history in Earth Sciences.
The story of Gaia

The online event "Erasure is also violence: women's stories of Science” to enhance the contribution that women have made to the discipline of Earth Sciences, bringing together in an exhibition a series of female biographies erased from school books, against the stereotypes created by a past social culture.
The event here -> Even cancellation is violence: women's stories of Science


The offices of:
CATANIA, Etna Observatory
NAPLES, Vesuvian Observatory