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Phlegrean area-map

Starting from 03,51 on 26.04.2020, an earthquake swarm occurred in the Phlegraean area, located in the Solfatara-Pisciarelli area. The swarm consisted of a sequence of 34 tremors of magnitude between 0.0 and 3.1, and with a hypocentral depth between 1 and 2 km.

Analyzing the events, the seismologists of the INGV Vesuvius Observatory Section did not detect any anomalies with respect to the current trend of the bradyseismic crisis that has been underway in the area since 2005, characterized by a more marked uplift in the central coastal area of ​​the caldera. As regards the peculiarity of the uplift currently observed, it is known that in these phases it is possible for seismic events to occur, even in swarms, which in some cases can be felt by the population. 

It should be noted, however, that seismic events, including those that occur in volcanic areas, are not predictable. Therefore it is not possible to make assessments on the evolution of these phenomena.

It should be noted that, with reference to the swarm of 26 April 2020, no new elements were found with respect to the situation ordinarily observed.

The geochemists of the Vesuvius Observatory, after carrying out surveys on the fumaroles of the Solfatara-Pisciarelli area, reported that there was no opening of new vents.

In this period of COVID-19 emergency, INGV guarantees the full operation of its seismic, volcanic and seaquake warning rooms in Rome, Naples and Catania and the availability of emergency groups, in absolute safety for all those who work there .