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The project that has developed innovative technologies for the identification, monitoring and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic water contamination phenomena comes to an end

Friday January 19 2024, at the Territorial Research Area of ​​Palermo of the National Research Council (Cnr), the Final workshop of the project Marine Hazards, financed with the PON measure “Research and competitiveness 2007-2013”.
The project, coordinated by Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies of the Cnr (Cnr-DSSTTA), was conducted with a broad partnership of public and private bodies, including theNational Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV),National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA),National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN),Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Sicily “A. Mirri”, Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa), Leonardo, Orion, ENVIROCONSULT, MANAGEMENT TRAINING EDUCATION RESEARCH (MaTER) and Regional Information Communication Technology Center (CeRICT).
Marine Hazard's central objective was the creation of a integrated system of skills in the territory able to deal with relevant aspects in a modern and effective way environmental risk, with a specific focus on marine-coastal system.
The results obtained aimed at the construction of technological prototypes for risk management in this delicate environment. Among these, a new one integrated WebGIS observation platform for continuous and real-time monitoring of the sea created by ENEA, active acoustic system for the identification of hydrothermal emission sites in the deep marine environment and the first model in the Mediterranean area of ​​integrated management of the coastal strip through monitoring and restoration, reclamation and natural recovery of Posidonia meadows oceans degraded by human activities.
These prototypes, together with the entire body of scientific results obtained and the training action for young graduates conducted through the school of Marine Hazards, will be presented at the final workshop of the project.
The meeting also intends to provide an opportunity to interaction and discussion between the scientific-technological community and political and industrial stakeholders, with the aim of initiating fundamental actions for the presentation of the developed prototypes on the national and international market.
Finally, a further moment of discussion will be dedicated to the comparison with the Sicilian region to evaluate how the project Marine Hazards can be included within the new programming Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), the tool adopted by the Regions and member countries of the European Union to optimize the effects of investments in research and innovation on the territory.

For more information:
Project website
ENEA WebGis platform “Marine Hazard”

Marine Hazard Workshop poster