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Joseph Bilotta, a researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), was recently appointed to the SPHERIC Steering Committee (SPHrEsearch and engineeringeRing International Community), the international organization that promotes the use of the SPH method (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) in scientific and engineering applications.

SPHERIC brings together researchers and engineers from around the world who work with the SPH method, which is a numerical method for the simulation of fluids, which he finds large usesin several scientific and industrial sectors, including astronomy, geophysics, oceanography, marine, aerospace and automotive engineering, and medicine.

Giuseppe Bilotta, selected from a group of international candidates, through his prestigious role in the SPHERIC Steering Committee will have the opportunity to promote the use of SPH method in the scientific sectors of interest to INGV and, in particular, in applications relating to the study of the hazard and risk associated with landslides and lava flows, as well as the study of green energy production (hydroelectric, wave motion, geothermal) and the risk associated with climate change.

The appointment of an INGV representative to the SPHERIC Steering Committee demonstrates the international recognition of the institution and a unique opportunity to contribute to the development and innovation of this advanced method in the field of geosciences.

Giuseppe Bilotta played a key role in the development of the GPUSPH project, a very high performance computational model based on the SPH method, used for geophysical and industrial research and applications. This project, which involved important international research institutions, consolidated Giuseppe Bilotta's experience in the application of SPH in the study and simulation of geophysical flows.

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Bilotta CS