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It's online, on the YouTube channel ofNational Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the playlist dedicated to the projects of “Dynamic Planet".
Dynamic Planet, with its numerous projects, aims to contribute in an innovative way to the archiving, sharing and processing of data of all possible observable parameters to identify the processes that govern seismic, volcanic and environmental phenomena.
Furthermore, among the objectives is to know the anatomy and kinematics of the Terra - with particular reference to the Italian-Mediterranean area -, understand the natural phenomenology and potential associated risks to adopt more effective policies for the safety of the populations and the development of the socio-economic system and reconstruct the structure and three-dimensional stratigraphy of the Italian subsoil through seismic profiles, seismic tomography, gravimetric and magnetic methods, monitoring of crustal movements through the refinement of the GPS network, observation and mapping of the Earth from space.

Dynamic PlanetFurthermore, it intends to create a nationwide hydrogeochemical network capable of detecting variations in aquifers, which can record changes related to earth dynamics and which can help in the early understanding of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
La playlist will be updated with videos which, describing the multiple applications of the research, will accompany the public to discover the most innovative and interesting studies conducted by INGV researchers on Earth Science.

Here is the link to the playlist