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Fabio Florindo, INGV researcher and outgoing Editor in Chief of the scientific journal "Reviews of Geophysics", was honored with the recognition “in appreciation of the services provided to AGU and the scientific community”, during the scientific meeting “AGU23 Wide. Open. Science”, underway these days in San Francisco (USA).
L'American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing understanding of Earth and space sciences. Founded in 1919 by the National Research Council, AGU plays a vital role in the promote communication and collaboration between scientists, researchers and professionals in the sector.
As a publisher, the AGU publishes 25 scientific journals, including the prestigious "Reviews of Geophysics", for years the journal with the highest impact factor (IF 2022=25.2) in the "Geochemistry & Geophysics" category.

Useful links:
> Reviews of Geophysics  
> AGU Annual Meeting 2023