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Appointment on April 22 for the 52nd Earth Day.

Everything is ready for International Earth Day, the event promoted by the United Nations which every year represents the only moment in which all citizens of the world come together to celebrate the Earth and promote its protection.

This year the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) is proposing face-to-face and online initiatives, so as to allow everyone to participate in the celebration of our "home", in the awareness that everyone, at every latitude, must take care of it .


April 22 | 10:00 - 12:30
Mutations: how planet Earth changes between natural phenomena and human activities.
In attendance: Palermo (Mediterranean Space Legambiente Sicily - Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa)
Online: live streaming: YouTube INGVeventi (https://www.youtube.com/c/INGVEventi)

In collaboration with Legambiente Sicily and the University of Palermo, three interventions on the topics of marine plastic pollution, climate change recorded by caves and global warming in relation to human beings and their resources.
The appointment with the scientists will be opened by Leonardo Sagnotti, Director of the Environment Department of INGV, and Giulia Casamento, contact person for Biodiversity and Environmental Education Centers of Legambiente Sicily.
Students from the Stanislao Cannizzaro, Benedetto Croce and Albert Einstein high schools of Palermo will participate.



April 22 | 12:00 -13:00
Our Earth: a planet to be protected
Online: participation upon registration a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

INGV researchers meet the students and teachers of the 17 Sicilian schools participating in the "Futuri Cittadini Responsabili 2.0" project, to reflect together on the importance of our planet, rethinking the relationship we have with it in order to find new solutions to protect the environment and its natural resources.
Indeed, with the ongoing climate emergency, it is important to understand what we can do to preserve the Earth and our own species. The dialogue between politics, research and school on these global issues, therefore, becomes indispensable. Among the connected guests, Angela Foti Vice President of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Andrea Segrè of the University of Bologna, Luca Gazzara President of the Corleonese-Alto Belice Sinister River Contract Forum, Sergio Marino Councilor for the Environment of the Municipality of Palermo, Antonina Sidoti President of the ITS Albatros Foundation of Messina and Grazia La Fauci responsible for the InFEA node (Information, Training and Environmental Education) of the Metropolitan City of Messina.
Among the guests also the students of IT Agrario “P. Cuppari” who will talk about their experience at City Nature Challenge 2022, Cluster Biodiversità Italia, Messina.


April 22 | 08:30 - 22:30
Scientists (and) mad
Online: live streaming on RaiPlay

In the third edition of #OnePeopleOnePlanet, the multimedia marathon for Earth Day, this year meets physicists, climatologists, astronomers, geologists, biologists, naturalists, zoologists to talk about the state of health of the planet.
From Fuksas' Nuvola to Rome, a 14-hour television relay with hundreds of guests from all over the world live on RaiPlay and, delayed, on Vaticannews.va.
A great media event to launch a strong message of hope to the world and an important call to action for the protection of the planet with young people at the centre, the real protagonists of the great environmental issue. The underlying theme of the programme, as for the entire Marathon, will be the Mediterranean and, by extension, water: the main resource of the planet, essential for the very survival of the biosphere. The INGV experts will intervene with interventions on the phenomena that occur on our planet and in the Mediterranean where, among other natural events, it has the task of monitoring the formation of tsunamis.
Mad Scientists (and) | #OnePeopleOnePlanet
Stream #OnePeopleOnePlanet
#OnePeopleOnePlanet platform


April 23 -24 | 9.00-17.00
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
In attendance: City of Science, Naples

On the occasion of Earth Day, researchers from the Vesuvius Observatory of INGV, in collaboration with the Idis-Città della Scienza Foundation, meet the public to talk about volcanoes and earthquakes.
How and why do earthquakes and volcanoes originate? What is the history of active volcanoes in Campania? How is seismic and volcanic monitoring and surveillance carried out? Scientists will answer these and other questions with the support of information panels, models, rocks and minerals.
City of Science

#we don't have a planet B #noplanetb #legambiente #sicilia #unipa #OnePeopleOnePlanet #RaiPlay #cittadellascienza #earthday #earthday22 #ingv #geoscienze #VaticanNews #comunedipalermo #InFEA #mediterraneo #Terra #Pianeta #unibo #fondazioneITSAlbatrosMessina

EarthDay Text

Fig.1 - Earth Day 2022.