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Next Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November, as part of the AT HOME architecture exhibition, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) will participate in the review “Living Science” at the MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome. The appointment, the result of the collaboration between the Museum and ScienzaInsieme, will be organized in two experiential-experiential itineraries and will have the aim of telling the different ways of "inhabiting" science.

In the first path, “Extreme Living”, the researchers will tell the public about the challenges associated with exploring, living and working in remote places, difficult to reach for humans, which from a scientific point of view represent true laboratories of excellence.

Furthermore, INGV researchers will take visitors on a 3D journey to the center of a volcano. With a VR viewer you can explore the inside of a crater and reach the depths of the Earth to live a suggestive and exciting experience by immersing yourself in one of the greatest natural wonders that has always fascinated man.

The second path, “Living in Extra-Space”, will instead start from the thousands of small and large meteorites that pass by the Earth every day attracted by the great gravitational force of our planet to illustrate the studies on the nature of celestial bodies.

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