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Another year of great success for the INGV Information Centers of Stromboli and Vulcano, the structures dedicated to logistic support for monitoring and volcanological research activities which, at the same time, offer citizens and the numerous tourists of the Aeolian Islands a correct scientific information on the volcanic risk of the Aeolian archipelago.

In the constant dissemination activity offered by the INGV Centers, a "social" component is primary, i.e. the information and knowledge activity aimed at local communities exposed to the risk represented by earthquakes and volcanoes, an action which, among others, represents the first and most important form of prevention.

It is with particular pride that it is possible to announce the achievement of 10.000 visitors to the Stromboli Center, precisely during the Civil Protection Week, aimed at spreading knowledge and culture of civil protection actions, with the aim of promoting and increasing the resilience of communities through the adoption of conscious behavior and self-protection measures by citizens.
A work carried out with passion by researchers and students also through public meetings, aimed at disseminating notions that are neither alarmist nor reassuring but only scientifically correct, easy to understand and indispensable in providing full awareness of the reality in which we live.

The communities residing on the islands of Vulcano and Stromboli perceive the presence of the INGV Operational Centers as institutional referents for the study of volcanic activity, a sort of guarantee on the constant monitoring work carried out by the institute, while providing the residents and visitors a vision of the world of research which is not only dissemination but also continuous monitoring and study activities.


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10.000 visitors Stromboli Information Center October 2019

Image - Souvenir photo of visitor number 10.000