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Banner Festival of Science 2021

earthquake banners

volcano banners

environment banners

sea ​​banners

THEATER banners



The Exhibition

On the occasion of the 2021 Science Festival, INGV has created an in-person and online exhibition dedicated to planet Earth and its interactions: Draw the planet. From the Sun to the heart of the Earth.
An exhibition dedicated to planet Earth and its interactions, with multidisciplinary contents ranging from geophysics to geology, from oceanography to history, from seismology to literature. You will make a journey which, starting from the Sun, will lead you to our planet through the earth's magnetic field and the ionosphere; then, from its terrestrial surface you will travel until you reach the heart of the Earth: you will discover the secrets of volcanoes and earthquakes, the most spectacular (but also the most destructive) events that have taken place throughout history, and their artistic and literary representations . You will dive to discover seas and oceans, you will understand how their level varies over time and why this could represent a risk for the inhabitants of some regions. Guided by the Maps, you will better understand planet Earth, while virtual experiences will allow you to discover and appreciate some of its wonders.

The exhibition is organized in four large areas, Environment, Volcanoes, Earthquakes e Sea environment.

On 26 October at the prestigious Teatro della Tosse in Genoa, the
show "Earthquakes Totem Taboo”, written by INGV psychologist Massimo Crescimbene and INGV seismologists Salvatore Mazza and Nicola Alessandro Pino to bring science and seismology to the stage
alongside psychoanalysis and philosophy.

For more information:

This year the Festival doubles the offer for schools! 
Students with their teachers will be able to participate in the in-person events and choose from the events of the rich online program, available exclusively for classes until 12 November.

Go to the events page for schools