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2 February 2022 INGV has released the new one version 3.3.0 of the Database Of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), a georeferenced archive of seismogenic faults (ie potentially capable of generating earthquakes), identified over the years through geological, geophysical and historical data and studies.

Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/note-stampa/5066-un-nuovo-sito-per-il-database-delle-sorgenti-sismogenetiche

14 February 2022
The INGV Etna Observatory has published on its institutional web portal two new TV channels, based on the video streaming services of the GARR Consortium, dedicated to real-time footage from Etna and the Aeolian Islands.

Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/news/5069-ingv-osservatorio-etneo-due-nuovi-canali-streaming-per-vedere-l-etna-stromboli-e-vulcano-in-real-time

21 February 2022 The competition “Draw Your Planet”, promoted by INGV and aimed at Primary School students for the creation of the INGV 2022-2023 school calendar.
Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/news/5079-disegna-il-tuo-pianeta-il-concorso-dell-ingv-rivolto-agli-studenti-delle-scuole-primarie

26 February 2022
In Rome, in the spaces of the Villino Corsini Library - Villa Pamphilj, the event of presentation of the volume “ClimArt. Images of change”, created by INGV researchers in collaboration with the students of the "Alessandro Caravillani" Liceo Artistico in Rome.

Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/comunicati-stampa/5077-climart-immagini-del-cambiamento-2