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10 June 2022 In the INGV Conference Room in Rome, President Carlo Doglioni welcomed the writer Nadia Terranova for the presentation of her new novel “Tremble at night”, which starts from the devastating earthquake that in 1908 devastated and destroyed the cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria. The event was an opportunity to reaffirm the indispensability of historical memory as a tool to strengthen the culture of natural hazards.

Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/note-stampa/5174-trema-la-notte-dialogo-tra-nadia-terranova-e-carlo-doglioni

17 June 2022 INGV hosted the SAVEMEDCOASTS-2 Final Conference, the European project aimed at mitigating the risks associated with the effects of sea level rise on the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and at making citizens and stakeholders aware of the socio-economic and environmental consequences of the ongoing phenomenon.

Click here for more detailed information: https://www.ingv.it/it/stampa-e-urp/stampa/comunicati-stampa/5178-savemedcoasts-2-conferenza-finale-del-progetto-europeo-sugli-effetti-dell-aumento-del-livello-del-mare-2