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Etna in eruption

Etna in eruption - Observation of the phenomena and land surveys for mapping and sampling Volcanic products represent an important and very demanding part of the surveillance and research activity carried out by the Institute (photo by B.Bencke)

Stromboli Presentation Frankenstein Tambora

Researchers from INGV and UniRoma3 tell the public the story of the Tambora volcano, illustrated by Greta Folgarìa with "The monstrous eruption. The year without a summer in which Frankenstein was born" as part of the Ecological Theater Festival (Stromboli, June 2018 – Photo by G. De Astis)

research volcanoes intro4

Researchers from INGV and UniRoma3 tell the public the story of the Tambora volcano, illustrated by Greta Folgarìa with "The monstrous eruption. The year without a summer in which Frankenstein was born" as part of the Ecological Theater Festival (Stromboli, June 2018 – Photo by G. De Astis)

Stromboli Paper Presentation 2016

Presentation of the geological map of Stromboli on the island open to all citizens and tourists (summer 2016, photo by Gabriele Volonté)

The activities carried out in this area include the surveillance service carried out under the agreement with the Civil Protection Department (DPC), those for the national aeronautical authorities (ENAC, AM) in relation to the risk associated with volcanic ash for air traffic, as well as those activities carried out for other European and international institutions and linked to alert and early-warning systems for the mitigation of volcanic risk on a supranational scale. The services and research developed with a social purpose and for the territories represent by far the main commitment of the Volcanoes Department in terms of working time, in order to prepare and manage any emergencies, update the volcanological databases, carry out a constant training and communication activities for the Italian population.

The presence in Italy of two phenomenal archaeological sites such as Pompeii (rediscovered in 1748 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997) and Herculaneum (rediscovered in 1738) closely linked to the volcanic activity of Vesuvius, and in particular to the eruption of 79 AD, should make our country very interested and intent on establishing a dense network of communication between the populations and the scientific community of volcanologists. This task, not easy, is of fundamental importance to mitigate volcanic risks and better manage any crises (of a volcanic eruption). Through this line of activity, INGV researchers try to fully and effectively carry out the task of understanding the physical and social vulnerability of populations and strive to ensure that the results of scientific research are usable and available to all, in order to improve their resilience of our country. Education on the existence of natural hazards and preparation, especially of the new generations, for potential exposure to catastrophic situations are among the main objectives of INGV researchers working in this area.