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volcanism temperature variance cf

Variations in temperature (°C) and water content (wt %) during the volcanism of Campi Flegrei (outcrop products) obtained from mineralogical-petrographic studies and chemical analyzes carried out on a series of volcanic units of known age (the asterisks indicate those units with uncertain chronostratigraphic position; from Forni et al., 2018)

gas pressure conditions

Studies on the conditions of decreasing pressure and gas release (dissolved in the melt) for magmas of different compositions that rise towards the surface (eg Chiodini et al., 2016 diagram in figure) aim at understanding the processes that occur inside volcanoes quiescent but in conditions of unrest like the Caldera of Campi Flegrei. The different curves refer to different initial contents of H2O and CO2, reported as a pair of values ​​on each curve and describe the evolution of the fluids released during the depressurization of the magma under various conditions. (a) Theoretical outgassing curves calculated for rhyolitic magma compositions under open system conditions. (b) Theoretical outgassing curves calculated for trachybasaltic magmatic compositions under open (dashed line) or closed (solid line) system conditions. CDP= Critical Degassing Pressure: this is a critical pressure value around which, for each type of magma, the total quantity of released fluids which are injected into the rocks between the magma and the surface.

This thematic area includes analytical, experimental and theoretical-computational studies aimed at defining the constitutive properties of magmas and products of volcanic activity; chemical and physical properties of magmas and products of effusive and explosive activity; studies aimed at characterizing the multiphase and multicomponent nature of magmas, effusive products and pyroclastic mixtures.