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FTIR measurements fig1

Measurements of volcanic gases (photo by S. Giammanco)


Environmental geochemistry studies the distribution and mobility of elements and compounds of both natural and anthropic origin that can have an impact on the environment. It is based on scientific evidence obtained by measuring chemical-physical parameters in the field, direct sampling and specific laboratory analyses. It can make use of geochemical monitoring networks and innovative technologies for monitoring and protecting the environment.

INGV researchers are involved in this area, in very different types of research. Schematically they can be briefly described as follows:

  • The study of the origin of abiotic methane (methane that is produced independently of the presence of organic matter) in ultrabasic rocks represents a relatively recent field of research.

  • Study of the thermal and cold waters of the island of Sao Miguel (Azores, Portugal).

  • Study of coastal waters in the Levante bay (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands), subject to contamination by hydrothermal waters.

  • Impact of volcanic emissions on the Etna ecosystem

  • Study on the origin of methane emitted in the superficial sea bed

  • Life Respire - Radon rEal time monitoring System and Proactive Indoor Remediation, monitoring of the quantity of radon present in public buildings and schools in three municipalities in Lazio and in the Ardennes in Belgium, aimed at technological development for the remediation of indoor environments.

  • Study of mud volcanoes in Italy, Indonesia and Azerbaijan, aimed at quantifying the total amount of gas emitted into the atmosphere, determining the ascent depth of the fluids, and defining the pressure and quantity of fluids present in the ascent process from main reservoir to the surface.

  • Study of the compositional and spatial variation of the various springs that characterize the degassing activity of the Salinelle di Paternò.

  • Study of methane in groundwater

  • Role of tectonics in hydrocarbon manifestations (mud volcanoes, methane and oil emissions)

  • Study of the relationships between natural methane emissions and microbiological activity

  • Study of geogenic outgassing in seismically active areas of Greece

  • Study of the relationships between the chemistry of hydrothermal emissions and microbiological activity

  • Origin and distribution of geogenic contaminants in the volcanic aquifers of Lazio

  • Measurements of the Sr isotope ratio of underground and surface flowing waters and atmospheric precipitations, in order to characterize the water circulation in volcanic areas.

  • Atmospheric contamination from natural and anthropogenic sources on the island of Vulcano

  • Study of the impact of volcanic emissions on atmospheric precipitation

  • Monitoring of the concentration and isotopic composition of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

  • Monitoring of the concentration and isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2

  • Dynamics and composition of rainfall in urban and natural environments of Sicily