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Appointment of the Project Evaluation Commission "Cataloguing, fruition and enhancement of the documentary and iconographic material of Sicilian volcanoes"  - DAAP decree n. 43 of 04/09/2017


year of production 2017

The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology for the year 2017 is the promoter of one of the National Civil Service projects, which involves the involvement of young people interested in carrying out a one-year experience in the recovery and enhancement of iconographic material and documentary, forming part of the artistic and historical heritage of the Library at the Etna headquarters of the institution.

"Cataloguing, fruition and valorisation of the documentary and iconographic material of the Etna volcano"

Venue: INGV - Etna Observatory Section of Catania / Volcanology and geochemistry

Places available: 5

Duration: 12 months

UNSC announcement - National Office for the Civil Service, provides information on the requirements of the candidates, the presentation of the application and the reasons for exclusion. Deadline for submission of applications June 26, 2017 at 14:00
Annex 2 Application for admission
Attachment 3 Declaration of qualifications

Admission requirements and conditions - Young people, regardless of gender, who, on the date of submission of the application, have turned eighteen and not exceeded twenty-eight years of age and meet the following requirements can participate in the selection: 
- be Italian citizens;

- be citizens of other European Union countries;

- be non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy;
- not having been sentenced, even if not definitive, to imprisonment for more than one year for an intentional crime or for a lesser imprisonment penalty for a crime against a person or concerning illicit detention, use, port, transport, import or export of weapons or explosive materials, or for crimes concerning belonging to or aiding and abetting subversive, terrorist or organized crime groups.

Young people cannot apply if:

  1. a) have already performed national civil service, or have interrupted the service before the deadline, or who, at the date of publication of this notice, are engaged in the implementation of national civil service projects pursuant to law n. 64 of 2001, or for the implementation of the European Youth Guarantee Programme;
  2. b) have an ongoing employment or paid collaboration relationship with the entity that carries out the project, or have had such relationships in the previous year lasting more than three months.

Having already carried out the civil service within the European program "Garanzia Giovani" and within the European experimental project IVO4ALL or having interrupted the national civil service at the end of a sanctioning procedure against the institution originating from the reporting of volunteers.

The participation requirements must be met on the expiry date of the deadline for submitting applications and, with the exception of the age limit, maintained until the end of the service.


Presentation of the application 

The application drawn up according to the model referred to in in attachment 2 and related by the declaration of which in attachment 3 of the aforementioned announcement must reach INGV by 14 pm on 00 June 26 signed and accompanied by a copy of an identity document. Applications arriving after this deadline or those not signed will not be taken into consideration.

The application, signed by the applicant, must be:

- drawn up according to the model shown in Annex 2 to the announcement, scrupulously following the instructions given at the bottom of the model itself and taking care to indicate the location for which you intend to compete; 

- accompanied by a photocopy of a valid personal identity document; 

- accompanied by the form referred to in Attachment 3, containing the data relating to the qualifications. 

Applications can only be submitted in the following ways: 

1) with Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) - art. 16-bis, paragraph 5 of law 28 January 2009, n. 2 - owned by the interested party, taking care to attach all the required documentation in pdf format: 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

2) by "registered letter with return receipt":

Etna Observatory

Civil Service Projects

Piazza Roma, 2 - 95123 Catania

3) hand delivered:

Etna Observatory

Protocol Office - Civil Service Projects

Piazza Roma, 2 - 95123 Catania

It is possible to present only one application for participation for a single national civil service project, to be chosen from among the projects included in the announcement and among those included in the regional and autonomous province announcements published at the same time. Submitting more than one application implies exclusion from participation in all the projects included in the calls mentioned above, regardless of the circumstance that one does not participate in the selections.  

Applications sent by fax or email will not be accepted.


Site of the National Office for the Civil Service.

Recruitment and Selection System