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37th Course of the International School of Geophysics


The earth expansion evidence: a challenge for Geology, Geophysics and Astronomy

The last century was dominated by the creation of scientific theories: the new-born Relativistic, Quantum and Cosmological Theories are proper examples.
The Earth Sciences followed this trend by proposing the principles of Plate tectonics. On the contrary, the concept of the Expanding Earth was not developed as a commonly accepted paradigm, but was an open field of original investigations, interpretations, and results. This innovative attitude is evident in the different interpretations of the Pacific and Indian oceans paleogeographical evolution; in the cosmological or incidental motor of expansion (still to be identified); in the different estimates of the Earth's radial expansion. This is a positive sign of vitality: we cannot crystallize these ideas in a few postulates from which we may deduce all the answers, and to which we may constrain all data. The Expanding Planet scheme provides a common explanation of several complex and debated issues relating to Paleontology,Paleomagnetism, Geology and Climatology.
The Workshop, through oral and poster contributions, will cover a wide range of issues in a field that, although supported by compelling evidence, is still in search of a definite and commonly accepted cause for the expansion. Besides contributions in the traditional Earth Science fields (Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geodesy, Paleogeography, Paleobiogeography), we greatly encourage presentations on the possible relations between the Expanding Earth theory and Astronomy, Cosmogony of the Solar system, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics.
Our final goal is to explore the Expanding Earth concept from all the different scientific perspectives